UWI Museums @10: 54 Pieces of our Past

On June 27, 2012, the UWI Museum opened its doors for the first time to visitors from near and far. It was one momentous occasion, as the years of plans to establish a museum reflective of the history and mandate of the University were finally brought to fruition. Its been one month since we celebrated the UWI Museum’s 10th anniversary with the commemoration webinar, “UWI Museum @ 10: Museums and Memory Making at The UWI”. The webinar featured presenters such as Dr Suzanne Francis-Brown, founding curator of the UWI Museum, Dr Allison Ramsay, Lecturer and member of the Campus Museum Committee at the UWI St. Augustine Campus, and Dr Sherene James-Williamson, Lecturer and Curator of the Geology Museum. The presentations shed light on the role that UWI Museum and other institutional museums play in fulfilling the University’s mandate while at the same time operating as mirrors which reflect years of growth and everyday life of campuses. 

This opportunity to reflect is one that we desire to share with you, our valued supporters. Every quarter the rest of the anniversary year, on the 27th, we will post 27 photographs that were captured during the past ten years. As the first in the series, we will treat you to 54 photos of our past, 27 for June 2012-2022 and 27 for July 2012-2022.

Please feel free to share and tag us in any photos or videos you took while visiting the UWI Museum.

Cheers to ten years of contemplation.

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